Poster 1:

Teaching Care Ethics for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education:

Thought Experiments and Deep Discourse

Timothy Mattison & Elizabeth Wilkins University of Southern Indiana, USA

In this conference poster, we discuss some of the benefits and challenges that generative AI presents to public schools. We then explain how widely adopted classical systems of ethics would justify various forms of AI uses in the school setting. After that, we engage the viewer in two thought experiments that illustrate how classical systems of ethics leave open the possibility of harm to students from AI use. We take the position that any harm to students from AI use is unacceptable. Therefore, we present care ethics, as defined by Dr. Carol Gilligan and Dr. Nel Noddings, as an alternative or compliment to classical systems of ethics for justifying various uses of generative AI. We also discuss the tradeoffs involved in using care ethics to guide the use of generative AI in public schools.

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