Poster 6:

The Digital Pivot: From Virtual Naysayer to Virtual Virtuoso

Michael Lenaghan (Miami Dade College, USA)

After a slow start, this virtual naysayer managed to do the following: (1) Virtual presentations, “distant but not remote,” expedited by Blackboard, enriched by faculty; (2) Blended “periodic encounters, engaged by live faculty and expedited by Blackboard; (3) Open class “present and enriched by enlivened faculty and expedited by Blackboard; and (4) Individual initiatives, inclhding Humanities-Edge Undergraduate Research Project funded by Mellon Foundation – 25 scholars mentored by 25 faculty in 6-week research, writing presentation and symposium and virtual planning for 2021 Universitas Airlangga Study Abroad in Indonesia. I’m now a believer.

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Mike Lenaghan

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