Panel Presentation 1:

Online Assessment Scenarios in COVID-19 Times: Directions and Practices.

Anna Serbati and Valentina Grion (University of Padua, Italy), Sally Brown (HE Independent Consultant, UK), Kay Sambell (Edinburgh Napier University, UK), Fabio Arricò (University of East Anglia) and Lan Li (Bowling Green University, USA)

In Spring 2020, higher education institutions worldwide were urged to switch teaching and learning environments from face-to-face (f2f) to online, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Online assessment differs from traditional f2f assessment and may imply new practices and new reflection. For one thing, exams and quizzes are typically offered on the web with a window of time for students to complete the tasks, which may raise questions concerning regarding assessment reliability, trustworthiness, and accessibility. Online faculty need to sustain a delicate balance between offering quality instruction and creating and supporting a nurturing environment in which every student can achieve their best despite possible difficult conditions due to emotional, contextual and personal factors. Attempts to ensure accurate assessment may threaten to disrupt that balance. Our panel will group professors, all experts on assessment and feedback, from UK, Italy and USA belonging to the international PAFIR research group (Peer Assessment and Feedback International Group). They will share their reflections and experiences and spark debate and discussion with the audience.

00:16:40 Link to resources that will be presented:
00:16:53 Prepared by Sally Brown and Kay Sambell
00:17:02 Janina Tosic: Thank you!!!
00:55:45 ashleigh: Please excuse me from the session. it was extremely interesting
01:11:38 Elke Kitzelmann: trust
01:11:48 Elke Kitzelmann: confidence
01:12:14 Karen’s iPad: Relationships
01:12:19 Karen’s iPad: Dialogue
01:12:23 Elke Kitzelmann: monitoring vs. relationship
01:12:25 michelle macmahon: Covid may challenge us to be authentic online which might suit millennials – yet still difficult for large classes
01:13:53 Elke Kitzelmann: yes we posted already
01:14:00 Elke Kitzelmann: group 4
01:15:51 Alexandra Lehmann: Group 3: being overwhelmed this spring, so using this summer to be better prepared – Question of Quality; Question of teaching subjects; Question of working technique; Question of how to include students with disabilities or students/ teachers being in riskgroups
01:15:57 Elke Kitzelmann: Karen will explain
01:16:58 michelle macmahon: Unfortunately, I have to leave but thank you for a very useful discussion
01:18:06 Elke Kitzelmann: exactly
01:19:27 Maren Lickhardt: Thank You for presenting!!
01:23:00 Elizabeth Black: Absolutely, Alexandra – I have this problem in finding a space for discussion
01:23:54 Maren Lickhardt: Yes absolutely!
01:24:32 Karen’s iPad: Inclusivity very important, digital inclusion, as well as other more traditional conceptions of inclusivity
01:29:00 Alexandra Lehmann: Yes, not shifting, but making sense of it!
01:32:16 Michael: Thank you Alexandra!
01:32:36 Elizabeth Black: Yes – thanks Alexandra
01:32:47 Alexandra Lehmann: De rien 🙂
01:34:00 Karen’s iPad: It is our time, people! Let’s go for it! 🙂
01:36:19 Janina Tosic: All we can do as individual teachers is try to model how trusting students and experimenting with our assessment works and produces great results!
01:37:02 Re-think assessment
01:37:03 Elizabeth Black: I find many colleagues are also feeling overwhelmed by the technology, as well as the students
01:37:14 Karen’s iPad: It’s opening up discussions about the main purpose of assessment- is it for or of learning… as enthusiastic scholarly teachers we can also share our philosophies, theories, practices and scholarship about ‘what works’
01:37:44 Janina Tosic: For me it was also that students lack the equipment. Many share computers with other family members or have a very slow Internet connections so they cannot join video Conferences…
01:37:54 Elizabeth Black: or are on phones
01:38:09 Janina Tosic: I have done a Portfolio assessment and now have to grade 1000 pdfs…
01:38:48 Birgit Pitscheider: Good point, Anna
01:41:01 Karen’s iPad: @janina- yes-many aspects to balance- feasibility, validity, compassion, opportunities for transformation….
01:41:07 Maren Lickhardt: Thanks
01:41:08 Elizabeth Black: Thanks!
01:41:17 Michaela : thanks for a good session
01:41:33 Karen’s iPad: Thanks to Anna and Vale and to everyone for their input and brilliant ideas. We are in it together!
01:41:48 Alexandra Lehmann: Thanks to you all! feel better not being alone in this mess
01:42:08 Michael: Thank you all, very important aspects discussed, Michael
01:42:11 Karen’s iPad: Take care everyone!
01:42:12 Birgit Pitscheider: Thanks to you all

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