Day 2 2020

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Day Two: Thursday, July 2

Asia/Australia Focus

Conference Opening and Roundtable 2
00:15 UTC Time, 2 July

00:15 Announcements (12:15 UTC Time)

00:30 Roundtable 2: Pivoting Team-Based Learning Online.
Karen Hayes (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Engaging students with dry, theoretical material is often very challenging. Occupational therapy theory and processes are no different. Team-based learning, however, offers the advantages of engaging students in completing the content pre-work before they come to class, challenging them to apply the knowledge in class, and developing critical thinking and critical feedback skills (Sibley, 2014). At our institution, team-based learning proved to be very adaptable to the online environment, and students reported feeling engaged and looking forward to their online learning activities. This session will allow you to experience online team-based learning and how it could work for your students.

Article: (open access):

2.1 Conference opening and roundtable
Time: Jul 2, 2020 12:30 AM Universal Time UTC

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Papers 3:

Toward Sustainable Assessment

3:00-4:45 UTC Time, 2 July

3:00 Academic-Industry Collaborative Lifecycle to Support Work-Integrated Learning.
Simi Kamini Bajaj (Western Sydney University, Australia)

Work-integrated learning (WIL) refers to student learning through industry engagement to bridge the gap between theory and practice-of-work. The aim is to develop professional capabilities to prepare students for professional workplace environment. WIL has its learning benefits apart from adaption to meeting the professional accreditation requirements. This paper presents a model developed for students in a non-capstone unit and that offers them authentic engagement within a purposefully designed curriculum and approach. The model is improvised with an action research approach, fits well with a 4+1 architecture of industry academia model inspired by Kruchten’s software architecture model.

3:20 Sustainable Assessment and Philosophies of Education.
Phillip Ebbs (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

The assessment techniques used in university curricula are often influenced by the educational philosophy to which the educator (or course designer) ascribes. In this presentation, we examine a range of educational philosophies and their related assessment techniques. We propose that truly sustainable assessment may only be achieved if the educator values both the contributions from a range of educational philosophies, and the assessment techniques those philosophies espouse. A practical diagram is then presented for discussion. The purpose of the diagram is to help educators consider the use of assessment techniques from a range of perspectives.

3:40 Professional Development for Assessment: A Graduate Certificate for Learning and teaching as a Case Study.
Greg Auhl, Sally McCarthy, and Denise Wood (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Many institutions have requirements for new academic staff on their initial appointment, frequently as part of probationary requirements. This paper examines the approach of one institution to meet this need. The Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education is an innovative program that involves students as active participants in identifying and meeting their own learning needs, while providing significant professional development on approaches to quality assessment. This paper also describes the structure of the program and its unique approach to assessment, examining how new academics (in particular those with no background in teaching) are introduced to quality assessment principles.

04:00  Break (15 min)

4:15-4:45  Papers 3 Discussion

2.2 Papers 3
Time: Jul 2, 2020 03:00 AM Universal Time UTC

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Day 2 Continues: 2 July

Europe/Middle East Focus

Roundtable 3:
Learning Together through Feedback

07:30 UTC Time, 2 July

7:30 Announcements (7:30 UTC Time)

7:45-8:45 Roundtable 3: Learning Together through Feedback.
Elizabeth Black (University of Glasgow, UK)

Considering the engagement of both students and teachers as crucial for sustainable feedback, and drawing on the notion of feedback as dialogue (Nicol, 2010), we will lead a discussion based around our work with students and staff in a School of Education within a large research-intensive university. In this context, progression towards professional accreditation limits modularization, creating potential to build feedback literacy throughout programs. We will discuss themes underpinning a planned research project that will use focus groups with students and interviews with teachers to explore the understandings and priorities of different groups of feedback “senders” and “receivers” (Winstone and Nash, 2017).

2.3 Day 2 Announcements and Roundtable 3
Time: Jul 2, 2020 07:30 AM Universal Time UTC

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Papers 4:
Engaging Students Online

9:00-10:45 UTC Time, 2 July

9:00 How Students (and Teachers) Can Easily Create Educational Videos.
Sigal Tifferet (Ruppin Academic Center, Israel)

In this paper, I will explain how to make videos using the free version of Biteable. ‎Biteable allows creating professional videos in less than an hour, using existing templates and photos. ‎Thus students are able to make a video explaining a concept, summarizing an academic paper, etc. Student videos can be collected into a playlist or posted on Padlet: https://ruppin-‎

9:20 Students’ Problem with Applied Science at a Universities of Applied Sciences.
Alexandra Lehmann (Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

One of the challenges and problems for Universities of Applied Sciences is the perceived differ-ence between “Science“ and “Practice“. For students, “Science“ is mostly equated with “Theory.” but not seen as a requirement for practical work. For lecturers, proclaiming that a scientific attitude differentiates between an occupation and a profession does not seem to be enough. So how to establish a scientific attitude in students, that can be integrated into their future practical professional work? Based on Staub-Bernasconi’s “transformative Three-Step,” let‘s work on how to apply this method (originally elaborated for the study field of Social Work) to other study disciplines.

9:40 When the “What If” Hits the Fan: Dealing with Contingency in the Age of the Digital Pivot.
Michael Waltemathe (Ruhr University-Bochum, Germany)

Theology and religion are dealing with contingency, as do other academic disciplines in their teaching. But while a thought experiment employs a playful attitude, religious conviction usually does not. Teaching in the digital realm enables that same playful attitude to its advantage. Currently the digital is forced upon us as a teaching tool, the foundation of our societal interactions is in question and conspiracy mythology replaces theology and science as contingency experts. This paper will explore digital teaching opportunities that address the discrepancy between mythology and science by drawing from the methodology of teaching theology in digital worlds and establishing rational decision-making in the process.

10:00 Break (15 min)

10:15-10:45 Papers 4 Discussion

2.4 Papers 4: Engaging Students Online
Time: Jul 2, 2020 09:00 AM Universal Time UTC

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Papers 5:
Adapting Courses for Online Delivery

11:30-13:45 UTC, 2 July

11:30 The Mutual Relations between Evaluation Methods and Learning Outcomes in Academia.
Nitza Davidovitch and Ruth Dorot (Ariel University, Israel)

This presentation discusses the paradigmatic change in higher education from content-centered to learning-centered academic programs. Motivated by the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) movement, this change imposes new success measures on course development. While the focus in STEM has been on individual courses, we present a case study that demonstrates a goal-driven approach toward developing an entire multidisciplinary curriculum in social sciences and the humanities. The effectiveness of this paradigmatic change as applied to an entire program was demonstrated by results of a survey of graduates from the first six graduating classes, which revealed that the program met its primary goals in a relatively short time since its inception.

11:50 Exemplars as a Tool for Teaching History of Art
Valentina Cantone (University of Padua, Italy)

In this paper I will discuss the written list of questions used to help students as prompts for describing the artistic documents as a means of formative self-assessment. I will then present the feedback of students about the use of exemplars, to better understand their perception of this tool. Finally, I will show the differences between the first written exam and the second, in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the use of exemplars in online teaching. In this way, students are helped to clearly distinguish the quality of their own texts, and also to enhance their self-evaluative judgement capability.

12:10 A New Typology of Course Assignments to Increase the Use of Formative Assessment in Higher Education.
Michal Schödl (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

During the coronavirus crisis many academic courses were redesigned, and many course assignments were reconsidered. I will present a new typology of course assignments that differentiates between types of assignments by their function in the learning process. The typology includes the following assignment types: (1) main, (2) line alignment, (3) step, (4) involvement, and (5) work-guarantee. The different types will be demonstrated, and I will argue that using this typology to design courses focuses the designer on building an effective learning process that includes formative assessment and is especially helpful when courses are redesigned.

12:30 The Substance of Teaching.
Elke Hemminger (Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

This paper will present the results of an explorative study among students and university teachers, who were asked about their experiences with digital teaching, judged according to their previous ideas of adequate education and learning. A special focus was on what the participants are missing in online courses and which parts of the digital teaching they found to be expedient and relevant for their learning. The results of the study are discussed in context of the societal relevance of education and the concurrent lack of societal and political awareness as to its importance for democratic discourse and social stability.

12:50 Break (15 min)

13:05-13:35 Papers 5 Discussion

2.5 Papers 5
Time: Jul 2, 2020 11:30 AM Universal Time UTC

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Roundtable 4:
Leveraging Internal Feedback through Deploying Deliberate Comparison Processes for Online and Classroom Settings

Mairead Brady, Martin Fellenz, and Michelle MacMahon (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) and David Nicol (University of Glasgow)

14:00 UTC, 2 July


This roundtable focuses on comparison processes (Butler & Wynne, 1995; Nicol, 2013, 2019) that have a positive impact on self-directed student learning. This approach helps to provide feedback in a timely and manageable way by making student partners in their own learning. Comparison relevant tasks can be deployed across all learning settings including in the classroom, for individual and group assignments, and for online tasks and interactions. We will introduce a basic toolkit to implement this approach while also recognizing and leveraging existing comparison processes.

2.6 14:00 Roundtable 4: Leveraging Internal Feedback
Time: Jul 2, 2020 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC

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Day 2 Continues: 2 July

United States/Canada Focus

Papers 6
Adapting Courses for Online Delivery

16:45-18:45 UTC, 2 July


16:45 Announcements (16:45 UTC Time)

17:00 The Covid 19 Pivot in a Psychology Research Lab Class: A Social Distancing Attitudes Experiment.
Sandra Webster (Westminster College, USA)

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a pivot from face-to-face student research team projects to a unified, team-based remote class experiment. The new experiment tested the effects of priming on college students’ attitudes toward social distancing. This presentation describes how course-based undergraduate research was integrated into a remote class with no possibility of face-to-face interaction for team collaboration or data collection. The lessons learned from the pivot can inform future blended, remote, or online research methods courses. I also examine the issues of student engagement and autonomy, technology access, remote teamwork, research ethics, and virtual research poster presentations.

17:20 Potential Liability for Failing to Meet Accessibility Requirements in Online Courses.
Chula King (University of West Florida, USA)

In March of 2020, universities throughout the United States transitioned from face-to-face courses to online course delivery in response to the growing threat of COVID-19. However, in transitioning to online course delivery, these universities opened themselves up to potential liability for possible violation of federal accessibility statutes. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA created by the World Wide Web Consortium are often cited by the courts as de facto accessibility guidelines. Educational institutions that fail to abide by accessibility statutes and guidelines could face significant legal threats as they are increasingly making online content available to their students. This paper examines the problem and offers possible remedies.

17:40 Mixed-Mode Instruction Using Active Learning in Small Teams.
Andis Klegeris (University of British Columbia, Okagan, Canada)

Importance of advancing student “employability skills” throughout their undergraduate education has been increasingly recognized by students and university instructors. However, the development of these essential skills is hindered by the lack of widely available assessment tools and shortage of detailed descriptions of effective instructional strategies. In this study, previously reported tests were used to demonstrate improvement of the generic problem-solving skills of students taking a course delivered using mixed-mode instruction including problem-based learning (PBL) among other active learning strategies. Descriptions of the instructional techniques and assessments used, as well as the pandemic-forced transition to fully online tutor-less PBL, will be provided.

18:00 Break (15 min)

18:15-18:45 Papers 6 Discussion

2.7 Papers 6: Adapting Courses For Online Delivery
Time: Jul 2, 2020 04:30 PM Universal Time UTC

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Panel Presentation 2:
Teaching through an Epidemic: Adaptability, Access, and Creating a Virtual Community

19:30-20:30 UTC, 2 July


19:30-20:30 Panel Presentation 2: Teaching through an Epidemic: Adaptability, Access, and Creating a Virtual Community.
Janina Tosic (West Ruhr University of Applied Sciences, Germany) and Anne Tierney (Heriot Watt University, Scotland)

The online pivot affected university teachers across the globe. In this interactive presentation, we will share how we have dealt with this challenge and taken the requirements of teaching during an epidemic into account. The presentation will be as participatory as possible. Our aim is to feature a rich exchange of views with and among those attending.

2.8 Panel Presentation 2
Time: Jul 2, 2020 07:30 PM Universal Time UTC

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End of Day 2

See you tomorrow!