Day Three: Friday, 23 July 2021

Roundtable 13: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a Work of Heart

Andrea Webb & Analise Hofmann (University of British Columbia, Canada) and Heather Lewis (Pratt Institute, USA)

Brokers connect with a network, either by reaching in or by extending out, in order to gather interested people and push projects on teaching and learning forward. In this roundtable presentation, our community of scholars will share how we have, through work on a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) writing group, created a community that has continued to work together on scholarly pursuits, as well as supporting each other personally. While we have continued to engage with the intellectual side of SoTL, our work in SoTL has also become a work of heart.

Papers 9: Taking Care Of Ourselves And Responding To Uncertainty With Flexibility:

Teaching with Our Hearts and Heads

Anne Tierney (Heriot-Watt University, UK)

Becoming a teacher in higher education is a developmental and transformative process. Many institutions are improving in the support they give to new academic staff, in the form of postgraduate certificates in higher education and universities often now have a “teaching and scholarship” career track. There is still a challenge to supporting the development of scholarly approaches to teaching in higher education subsequent to the initial postgraduate qualification. This paper seeks to explore and discuss the options that are open to staff at different stages in their careers, and how we can encourage scholarly approaches to teaching and learning.

Pandemic Piano Teaching: How Losing a Sense of Touch Changed Us as Human Beings

Hedi Salanki-Rubardt and Blake Riley (University of West Florida, USA)

In March of 2020, the pandemic forced educators into remote teaching. This was particularly difficult in the field of music because we rely on expression and physical touch. Somehow, we were able to finish the spring semester by having all playing exams submitted on video. We quickly realized the hardships facing our students and realized it was our opportunity to grow as human beings and offer empathy. In the fall, we returned to face-to-face teaching but our efforts were encumbered by COVID-19 protocols. This paper will explore the uncertainties of teaching both remotely and face-to-face in the time of COVID-19.

Papers 9 Discussion

Poster 6 Discussion

Powerpoint File:

A Menu of Delights in Pandemic Portions: Virtual Resources for Teaching in the COVID Era

Michael Lenaghan (Miami Dade College, USA)

During the pandemonic pandemic, responding to uncertainty with flexibility became a gift not a curse within a structured, flexible, experimental context with access to more resources than imaginable in a normal year. Four internal and six external, freely accessible resources provided a cupboard of delicious elements with which a menu of delights were generated, infused, widely used, and generated better than “normal” scholar outcomes. We will explore them here.

Concluding Remarks

Jim Wilkinson (Harvard University, USA)

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00:22:28 Anne Tierney: It’s so important!
00:40:02 Noela Haughton: uestions: 1) isn’t the work of a broker exhausting and draining? 2) How do brokers sustain themselves?
00:48:44 Anne Tierney: yes! Caren that is my experience – totally
00:50:03 Martha Brenckle: Exactly, we even have a transdisciplinary PhD program in my college, but no one in admin knows what to do with the work that is produced.
00:51:39 Caren Weinberg: @Martha – Exactly!!
00:53:19 Noela Haughton: yeah!
00:54:03 Martha Brenckle: Every time I published I was told “Oh, another pedagogy paper.”
00:54:23 Anne Tierney: @Martha yes
00:55:07 Noela Haughton: I struggle with academia because i don’t think values are always align as they should with a core mission of universities – teaching.
00:55:52 Martha Brenckle: Yes, I think the values are aspirational but no one wants to put the work in to make them real.
00:56:19 Caren Weinberg: @Noela – totally agree – my only agenda is the students – people don’t understand that!
00:57:10 Martha Brenckle: Especially when you teach lower level undergraduate courses–I love First-year students and the courses.
00:57:48 Anne Tierney: @Martha – you’re my tribe – I taught first year UGs for 18 years.
00:58:00 Noela Haughton: why do these hierarchies exist anyway? What purpose do they serve other than reinforce a caste system?
00:58:11 Martha Brenckle: I am happy to be part of your tribe!
00:58:17 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): @James very much so!
00:58:17 Noela Haughton: same!
00:58:33 Anne Tierney: @Noela some people have to feel important
00:59:36 Martha Brenckle: @Noela, it keeps those in power in power! It is a way to control curriculum so graduating students fit in slots in industry–going full circle to benefit big donors.
00:59:56 Noela Haughton: @Anne: I am a total oddball in my university. I love it but it can be exhausting.
01:00:20 Anne Tierney: @Noela Yay!
01:00:22 Noela Haughton: @Martha: totally!
01:01:40 Noela Haughton: Also, being the oddball makes you have to create your autonomy
01:01:57 Caren Weinberg: @Noela me too, and it affords me the ability to get away with just about anything as no one knows how to argue with me!
01:02:16 Martha Brenckle: Love that–agency through subversion.
01:03:23 Anne Tierney: Check out my wonderful colleagues and their projects
01:03:52 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): Thank you!
01:03:55 Olga Hilas: Thank you for a great session!
01:04:02 Caren Weinberg: THANKS! Great chat!
01:21:32 Noela Haughton: I used to work at GTE Enterprise Solutions that was located on the Simon Fraser campus.
01:21:47 Noela Haughton: reaction: What? Why?
01:22:34 James Wilkinson: Not enthusiastic.
01:22:56 Noela Haughton: Not surprised – unfortunately
01:23:21 Michelle Schmidt: Not surprised either…
01:23:52 Noela Haughton: These reactions still align with many teaching / course evaluations
01:24:28 Martha Brenckle: Yes and the student perception surveys are used for promotion and raises.
01:26:43 James Wilkinson: So many common misperceptions come together to influence the dismissive attitude toward teaching. Performance seen as less important than publications; “success” with students seen as just “pleasing” them, so that teaching becomes a popularity contest; and teaching staff who are, shall we say, interpersonally challenged, feeling defensive about that and (perversely) looking down on those better at dealing with students as simply trying to “entertain” them.
01:27:42 Olga Hilas: Agreed!
01:30:45 Noela Haughton: Teaching excellence: no alignment necessarily. I have seen where folks not connected with the nominated teaching context make the nomination!
01:33:23 Noela Haughton: Anne: very invigorating! Thank you!
01:34:51 Martha Brenckle: Textbooks work just like everything else–if you teach very large classes at a large university, publishers will approach you because they are anticipating sales.
01:35:17 Caren Weinberg: you don’t think the concept of text books is dying?
01:37:57 Noela Haughton: @Caren: I think it is in transition. I think the idea of the textbook is more of a credible source that now includes multimedia.
01:38:24 Ooi Wei: Thanks Anne for the great sharing!
01:38:49 Olga Hilas: Great points! Thank you, Anne!
01:38:54 Martha Brenckle: They have become digital, but no, they aren’t dying. And some disciplines use books more than others–like History.
01:39:42 Ooi Wei: Bye everyone, thanks to all, good night!
01:40:08 Andrea Webb (she/her): Thanks for the wonderful conversation this morning – I have to step out.
01:40:29 Martha Brenckle: Goodbye!
01:40:44 Noela Haughton: @Hedi & Blake: love the image!
01:40:52 James Wilkinson: Thanks for being here, Martha!
01:41:19 Martha Brenckle: I’m still here–I was saying goodbye to the two people leaving.
01:41:38 James Wilkinson: Oh, sorry. Glad you’re still with us.
01:44:38 Noela Haughton: I did a lot of wiping as well. Except mine was not melodically pleasing.
01:44:50 Martha Brenckle: The Music of Sanitizing
01:49:31 Noela Haughton: I did. It was exhausting and undermined each delivery mode.
01:50:50 Martha Brenckle: It was even worse if you had a hearing impaired student. The face shields were very uncomfortable!
02:00:06 Noela Haughton: @Blake: I love that!
02:00:33 Caren Weinberg: LOVE!
02:00:44 Martha Brenckle: Wonderful!!!
02:03:27 Martha Brenckle: Yes, I let them rewrite papers several times.
02:09:34 Noela Haughton: @Hedi: you are right. We had (have?) this issue at UToledo. It as gotten better. I do recall a very famous local musician not receiving tenure because of “no publications”. Nuts..
02:19:39 Noela Haughton: @Martha B: That should be a t-shirt!
03:10:33 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): I’m waiting to see the new normal greetings – will we be back to handshaking, or is it Vulcan salutes all over the place?
03:11:05 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): I had colleagues doing just before the closures 🙂
03:11:36 Martha Hubertz: Nice @Jen
03:27:28 Anna: Will slides be posted somewhere- in particular bibliographies?
03:27:47 Martha Brenckle: I would love the bibliographies!
03:31:43 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): Excellent wine!
03:32:50 Noela Haughton: @Anna: I am not sure. We have an IUT Board meeting on Sunday. I will follow up there.
03:33:13 Anna: Thank you – I think that would be really useful (bibliographies)
03:34:47 Martha Brenckle: You rock, Noela!
03:34:57 Noela Haughton: My pleasure!IUT is the best!
03:35:02 Martha Hubertz: Amazing job Noela
03:35:57 Martha Brenckle: I really enjoyed this conference and I am leaving with so many ideas!
03:37:46 Anna: Thank you very much everyone
03:37:51 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): Thank you very much, I really appreciate the event.
03:37:53 Martha Hubertz: Great job!
03:39:29 Jen Walklate (Aberdeen, she/her): Thank you everyone. I’m grateful for the virtual component. Live Long and Prosper.
03:39:34 Martha Brenckle: Thanks everyone!
03:41:06 Anna: Teacher’s pet