Papers 1: Assessing affective aspects of learning
Papers 1 Discussion
A Prerequisite for Sustainable Educational Development in Nigeria
Nwameze Owhoeke (Federal College of Education, Omoku, Nigeria)
This study explores the potential role of cultural education as a prerequisite for sustainable western education development in Nigeria. It is a narrative textual case study (NTCS)—that is, all materials were sourced through secondary data. The paper discusses in detail the concept, value, importance, overall impact, and the contributions of cultural education to the development of western education in Nigeria. The paper concludes with the recommendation that cultural education should form part of the educational curriculum in Nigerian institutions of learning.
Feelings about Feedback: Who Cares about What?
Elizabeth Black & Kara Makara Fuller (University of Glasgow, UK)
What do learners and teachers care about most when it comes to feedback? If feedback is a dialogue, are we talking at cross-purposes? This paper draws on findings from a research project exploring practical solutions to enduring concerns around the provision of feedback in a School of Education within a large research-intensive university. Data from focus groups with students and interviews with teachers supports insights into the understandings and priorities of these different groups of feedback “senders” and “receivers” to answer the question: What features of consistent feedback support effective assessment for learning?
Developing Growth Mindsets
Anita Campbell (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Given the wide-ranging benefits of growth mindsets, enthusiastic educators and researchers have tried to instill growth mindsets in students at all levels of study. However, interventions to develop growth mindsets have produced mixed results. I explore some reasons for the mixed results from growth mindset intervention studies through a summary of experiences that promote growth mindsets and a comparison with interview data from first-year engineering students at a South African university who were assessed as having strong growth mindsets. Limitations with assessing mindsets through scales and interviews will be discussed, as well as suggestions for developing growth mindset environments.
The Human Side of Teaching
Nitza Davidovitch & Ruth Dorot (Ariel University, Israel)
The COVID-19 pandemic forced academic institutions in Israel, as well as those across the world, to instantaneously adopt online learning. In this paper we will present the findings of a study on academic lecturers’ opinions concerning various aspects of the advantages and shortcomings of online learning, adopting a systemic, multi-institutional perspective. Participants in the study were 223 lecturers in universities, teaching colleges, engineering colleges, and private colleges in Israel. Findings of the study indicate that instructors have little preference for online teaching, noting the lack of personal, social, and emotional interactions with students and colleagues as one of the main shortcomings of online teaching. Only one third of participants preferred online teaching, and most instructors did not believe that online teaching offers an advantage in terms of the quality of teaching.
Responding to Uncertainty in Higher Education through the Spirit of “Splace” and Flexible Learning
Krystle Ontong (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Emergency Remote Teaching and “learning anywhere, anytime” rapidly became part of daily academic jargon once the pandemic began. However, in a South African context the application of these notions became somewhat more challenging, given the country’s history and socio-economic inequalities. Therefore, the South African government, adopted the term remote multimodal teaching and learning as a desensitized approach which acknowledges the diversity of students. The successful implementation of multimodal models relies on flexible pedagogies (FPs) to ensure that “no student is left behind.” However, FPs can only be effective after formulating a reconceptualization of the intersectionality between the places and spaces (‘splaces’) in which teaching and learning occurs.
Chat Transcript
00:37:20 Janina Tosic: yes
00:37:25 Karen Hayes: Yes
00:37:36 Avraham Roos: yES, i
00:37:36 Birgit Pitscheider: Yes 🙂
00:37:54 Elizabeth Black: yes – mainly in the context of preschool children
00:53:12 Alexandra Lehmann: It reminds me of Bandura’s Theory on self-eficacy…
00:53:53 Alexandra Lehmann: self-efficacy, sorry, spelling mistake 😉
00:56:19 ooi wei: Question: Is there any example of outcomes based on any comparison on student performance before and after the growth mindset intervention?
00:58:33 Tom: In the context of mathematics service subjects.. there are few “bad/mocking” students… most students don’t want to be there, view mathematics as a hurdle, and their mutual dislike of mathematics makes for a great bonding agent 🙂 😛
00:58:34 ooi wei: what is the methodology involved?
00:58:48 Karen Hayes: Love it Tom
01:00:49 Anita Campbell: @ooi wei, see our literature review on growth mindset interventions for engineering students:
01:04:28 ooi wei: Hi Anita, noted and received with thanks! Thanks for sharing.
01:10:39 Alexandra Lehmann: Nitza, your conclusion is sooo correct! Thank you!
01:18:08 Nikki Cousins, University of Aberdeen: yes
01:21:29 Alan Faulkner-Jones: Apologies – in multiple places at once
01:36:53 ooi wei: @Nitza: my email:
01:51:01 ooi wei: @ Krystle Ontong: What is the appropriate remote Online Assessment Framework in Higher Education?
01:58:48 Elizabeth Black: Thanks for raising that Alexandra.
02:04:14 ooi wei: Thanks for sharing, Krystle.
02:07:01 Krystle Ontong: You’re welcome 🙂
02:16:00 Janina Tosic: neo-liberalism has immensely dehumanized our Universities
02:21:37 Karen Hayes: Agreed Janina