Day Three: Friday, 29 July 2022
Part 2: Eur/Afr/M.East
Chat Transcript
00:13:11 Birgit Pitscheider: In style ☺️
00:15:42 Birgit Pitscheider: quite impressive pitch 😍
00:16:35 Elizabeth Black: time to start thinking about an abstract…
00:21:28 Birgit Pitscheider: Nitza, would you prefer us having on the camera (for those who are willing to do so and can do so)?
00:44:32 Birgit Pitscheider: My favourite thing or tool:
00:45:03 Doug Specht: Some thoughts on digital pedagogy education for teachers who hadnt topic before the pandemic:
00:48:10 Juliette Rutherford, Edinburgh: How is the situation in Israel in terms of accessibility? Do all students have access to a computer and broadband internet? Are there schemes to support students who don’t?
00:48:45 Elizabeth Black: Not being able to move in and out of different groups was really challenging for my classes when we first came back onto campus. Lecture theatres were not the usual spaces for this teaching!
00:49:07 Khadidja Merakchi: I agree with Anna that the impact on education online is subject specific. Languages suffered and this was not only in HE, primary education took a hard hit
00:53:16 anna sedda: Sometimes, after this pandemic experience, I wonder if the issue is that we (=professionals in Higher Education) have is that we are scared: scared that after many years of doing things (overall) the same way, “the University” system is changing. Society has changed much in the past years, especially for younger generations, so how can we expect that University does not change? Maybe a lot of the work we need to do is to accept the changes that will inevitably come our way, pandemic or not. I think the pandemic brought up much uncertainty in professionals who were very used to doing things a certain way and did not expect things could change suddenly.
00:53:19 Birgit Pitscheider: Regarding the camera question, it depends a lot on what you are teaching and the degree of interaction in your lesson and the digital access and technological equipment in your country, number of students in a class, etc.
00:59:26 Doug Specht: Ofcom says only 89% of UK residents have access to broadband. Many of my students had no laptop, some no phone – or if they did could not afford the data required to engage with video heavy online learning
01:00:45 Anna: @Doug: That was my experience in the UK as well. Our university sometimes helped students with hardware, ut it was still an issue.
01:06:35 Anna: We’ll start to ask personal tutors make sure their tutees in first year have set up their Uni email, Teams, completed e-registration etc. – things we may take for granted
01:08:37 Anna: Accessibility and accommodation for special needs would be an interesting conference theme, especially since I understand this is done very differently in different countries!
01:09:17 Elizabeth Black: Yes Anna – it would be interesting to compare.
01:09:45 Anne T: Anna, we might be able to accommodate your suggestion as a subtheme to the bigger theme we have been discussing
01:10:05 Anna: Great!
01:13:48 Doug Specht: Yes, its a different job for sure
01:13:49 Anna: Academic staff setting limits is really important!
01:16:08 Doug Specht: Socially just education is a great way of encompassing a lot of what has been spoken about
01:18:03 Anna: We survived the big crisis, the big change, but I think that our emotional reactions will start to come more and more now, afterwards!
01:51:40 Cosma Gottardi: Is there any way we can our colleagues in Georgia to “share the screen” via Zoom?
01:52:01 Anne T: The screen is shared, Cosma
01:52:37 Anne T: try leaving and entering the room again
02:10:23 Birgit Pitscheider: Sorry, we can hardly hear you
02:10:33 Birgit Pitscheider: Now it’s working
02:24:23 Anna: Thank you very much for an interesting presentation. If I understand t his correctly, you gave rapid feedback on four occasions for nearly 100 students. During the question sessions, could you please comment on the workload for doing this, please? Also, were the diaries graded?
02:38:54 Birgit Pitscheider: Great idea
02:40:02 Birgit Pitscheider: also bringing in former students
02:41:41 Birgit Pitscheider: I actually only know “successful” people who failed at some point. Maybe knowing how to deal with it is a trait to make you successful
02:44:50 Kimberly Davis: At a Uni I worked out a few years ago they had a failure fair (they called it something fancier I think, but I can’t remember what it was) and staff and students basically had a chance to present a failure and what they learned from it. They meant it as a way to help students see that failure is not always a bad thing and that there is a lot that can be learned from it
02:47:59 Anita Campbell: Great idea of a failure fair!
02:48:48 Anne T: We have a huge tension between telling students it’s ok to fail, and getting them through a course in 14 weeks.
02:49:45 Kimberly Davis: I think that formative assessment can help find that balance. They can fail before it has a large lasting impact on something like their progression in their programme
02:50:54 Elizabeth Black: what is included as e-assessment?
02:51:18 Doug Specht: Yes, formative assessment can play a bit role there
03:03:10 Doug Specht: big*
03:03:54 Markus Fischer:
03:04:11 Markus Fischer: Password: IUT2022Georgia
03:07:25 Milan Oncak: yes, happened to me now
03:17:47 Birgit Pitscheider: No failure at all – very interesting exchange
03:26:28 Birgit Pitscheider: Would it be possible to turn on your camera, Marina? For whatever strange reason, it makes it easier for me to listen to you
03:28:59 Birgit Pitscheider: Thank you
04:10:02 Anita Campbell: Disa and Moses’s article:
04:13:23 Birgit Pitscheider: About failures in business: Severin Schwan, CEO of Roche, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, told us in an alumni lecturer that he “throws parties” for failures because in the R&D department more than 90% projects fail i.e. don’t make it into products
05:31:00 Milan Oncak: Very clear presentation and great initiative, thank you!
05:31:52 Juliette Rutherford, Edinburgh: Very interesting talk, and very relevant to today’s global context.
05:33:57 Birgit Pitscheider: Ever so important work you do. Unfortunately, there will always be people who are attacked / at risk
05:36:58 Birgit Pitscheider: I just wanted to ask: what do you think we / I as a lecturer can do? What would you suggest?
06:01:25 Tom Parkinson: Bye and thanks!
06:44:46 Scott Ramsay: Here’s Mirjam’s example video that was linked from the QR code while the poster was on-screen:
06:46:04 Khadidja Merakchi: Could you please zoom a bit Elizabeth?
06:50:29 Birgit Pitscheider: What a brilliant idea!
06:54:28 Birgit Pitscheider: Congratulations on acquiring this amount of money 👍🏻
06:58:34 Scott Ramsay: @Malcolm – I was also trying to say that I’ve messaged my line manager who was originally an American constitutional historian, and he thought the approach to deciding on the course content and the readings etc was really cool 👍🏻
06:59:39 Malcolm Harvey: Thanks @Scott. Very happy to share the course guide as well, if it’s useful to anyone!
07:07:53 Scott Ramsay: To download your own copy of Marion and Thomas’s poster:
07:10:05 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him): Meyer, J., & Land, R. (2003). Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge: Linkages to ways of thinking and practising within the disciplines
07:10:15 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him):
07:11:30 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him): Townsend, L., Brunetti, K. and Hofer, A.R., (2011). Threshold concepts and information literacy. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 11(3), pp.853-869.
07:11:36 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him):
07:16:09 Birgit Pitscheider: Thank you for the bonus material. Very much appreciated
07:18:50 Scott Ramsay: Khadidja, Juliette & He’s poster:
07:19:59 Birgit Pitscheider: @Tom: I also couldn’t find the video from Tom. There seems to be no video or audio, so if you could post the link to the video if online that would be great
07:20:03 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him): Dropbox link to my video, giving (hopefully) a clear 5 min overview of the project: Collaborative Approach to Student Scholarship Skills.mkv?dl=0
07:20:18 Birgit Pitscheider: That was super fast 👍🏻
07:20:26 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him): I’ll sort that link out – looks a bit off
07:20:49 Elizabeth Black: Great – we can forward this to the organisers as well to try and get it added to the poster homepage
07:20:57 Scott Ramsay: The link works for me!
07:30:09 Scott Ramsay: Heba’s poster:
07:57:43 Birgit Pitscheider: @Elizabeth: You are really good at weaving things together
07:58:52 M Jennings: Thank you Elizabeth and Scott.
07:59:11 Mathini Sellathurai, UK: Thank you Elizabeth and Scott
07:59:51 Heba Shoukry: Thank you so much for the interesting talks and questions
08:00:03 Birgit Pitscheider: Very well done, Elizabeth and Scott. Great moderators and nice demonstration of co-hosting
08:05:38 Cosma Gottardi: The 24h round-the-clock conference is very democratic and world-encompassing! I found myself thinking, “it would be nice to hear some talks from the far east & Australasia”. But then I noticed how western/colonial that kind of thinking is (“you need to come to my timezone”), when I could just get up at 3am to listen to a few of those talks, and that is what they need to do all the time if they want to hear ours!
08:07:43 Scott Ramsay: The page Jim was just mentioning:
08:08:41 Elizabeth Black: The technical support in Tbilisi has been great as well – a really effective set up.
Chat Transcript
00:00:40 Khadidja Merakchi: Sorry, after the last IT breach, we have put the walls higher than before!!!!!
00:01:40 Elizabeth Black: And there are some additional posters from the other time zones – and one from Europe who was unwell.
00:02:09 Scott Ramsay: They’re all (except those added after initial programme publication) on the same poster page for browsing:
00:02:18 Elizabeth Black: Thanks Jim and everyone at IUT!
00:02:19 Marie: Thanks to everyone, great sessions and fantastic moderation team.
00:02:24 Khadidja Merakchi: Thank you the IUT team!
00:02:42 Scott Ramsay: (Cosma, if you want to go ahead with that 3am checking-in, you’ll catch the other batch of posters presented from 03:45 UTC onwards!)
00:03:08 Birgit Pitscheider: Thank you to all of you and all the best to you. It was really good to join this conference, especially for me because after not being able to work for 6 months this was the perfect return to work. So thank you
00:03:41 Tom Farrington (Heriot-Watt, he/him): Thank you!
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