Day Two: Thursday, 28 July 2022

Part 2: Eur/Afr/M.East


00:25:07 Birgit Pitscheider: Good morning, Kimberly, would you like us to turn on the camera?
00:25:53 Birgit Pitscheider: Try to put on my friendly face 😁
00:26:31 Anne Tierney – HWU: Birgit has a beautiful garden – perhaps we can see some of your flowers?
00:28:11 Deema Al Shawan: I’m currently preparing for a new undergraduate course, and I’m considering adding an assessment for a debate between students. I’m looking for the best approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the debate.
00:29:55 Deema Al Shawan: Great suggestion, thank you Kimberly.
00:30:46 Deema Al Shawan: It’s a critical thinking course and I wanted to see if students can effectively use evidence to support their argument effectively.
00:32:22 Deema Al Shawan: Thank you
00:41:13 Elizabeth Black: Unclear instructions
00:41:19 Kheng Yew Tsung: Student’s dislike for assessments
00:41:26 Birgit Pitscheider: Time lag between performance and assessment
00:41:58 Doug Specht: Not clear rationale
00:41:59 anna sedda: Students perception that the assessment is “useless” and not doable – ie this essay no matter how much I study I cannot pass it, because the question is too difficult I have to mind read the lecturer
00:42:03 Isabel Lausberg: Maybe personal reasons like own time constraints or priorities
00:43:08 Andrew Lee: We have not explained clearly the importance of the assessment & relate it to the students
00:43:23 Elizabeth Black: Lack of access to required support materials
00:56:55 anna sedda: Number of ILOs: I used to have too many, having less of them and making them clearer helped in linking more the assessment to the teaching materials and made it clearer for the students what the assessment aim is
00:58:23 Elizabeth Black: Unless having fewer makes them very long and multi-part.
01:28:42 Kheng Yew Tsung: next session is “Through the “camera lens”: How do students grasp the future of learning via Zoom? (30m)”
01:33:16 anna sedda: Much agree: assumptions on education are a huge barrier. Especially in HE, we see people joining as staff from all over the world, with very different knowledge of teaching and assessment. If we do not provide explicit knowledge and training, staff cannot support students. Explicit means that the basis need to be covered, not just higher level concepts (ie what is a learning outcome, often overlooked and just assumed that staff knows)
01:36:27 Deema Al Shawan: Great session Kim, we learned a lot. Thank you.
01:36:34 Elizabeth Black: thanks Kim!
01:36:38 John Papic: You knocked it out of the park Kim, thanks for the input 🙂
01:36:47 Andrew Lee: Thank you Kimberly!
02:33:49 Elizabeth Black: I can definitely relate to that experience of not knowing how students are receiving the classes!
02:33:55 Cosma Gottardi: A few thoughts: A lot of students in the UK love watching *pre*-recorded lectures at 1.5x or 2x speed. In fact, I do this too! And when I don’t understand something, I can go back 10 seconds in the video and hear it again. So it’s the same amount of time overall, not necessarily longer. I’m doing another brainless task while listening to this conference, so I’ve got my camera off, but I’m still engaged (I hope!)
02:37:36 Doug Specht: Agree @Cosma, pre-recorded was hugely valuable for our students too. We saw satisfaction actually go up during the pandemic, with no notable reduction of attainment outcome – and indication that learning online was very suitable for many of our students
02:39:48 Elizabeth Black: Students I teach are working full time and attend part-time. They all reported finding the flexibility to access online recordings hugely valuable in supporting them as they worked. Also to be able to revisit anything from face-to-face sessions that they might have missed at the time.
03:07:04 Milan Oncak: Unfortunately, I am missing a definition of intelligence to be able to answer the question.
03:08:20 Milan Oncak: But I had some internet glitches, maybe I missed something.
03:09:56 Kheng Yew Tsung: we can’t hear you, can you speak up please?
03:10:08 Deema Al Shawan: I’m having trouble hearing as well.
03:11:24 Anne T: can everyone hear?
03:11:37 Milan Oncak: it’s fine for me
03:11:45 Anita Campbell: I can hear
03:11:46 Anne T: ok
03:12:09 Oleksandr Menshykov: fine for me
03:22:18 Elizabeth Black: Sorry – please could the question be repeated for online?
03:45:54 Cosma Gottardi, UofGlasgow: I think the 200 was a joke…! It’s just 8 high quality participants, if I understood Anne correctly.
03:52:16 Elizabeth Black: thanks Anne and all speakers – enjoy your break
04:58:28 anna sedda: Thanks Maka very interesting presentation!
04:59:23 Heather May Morgan: Just seeing the chat and happy to present whenever in this session!
05:37:23 Anne T: Thanks, Elizabeth, it was Fadia who asked the question
05:40:36 Doug Specht: On blogging in a dissertation module:
06:27:25 Anne T: Thank you so much Elizabeth, and thank you everyone for your contributions today.
06:27:34 Birgit Pitscheider: Thank you to all for your presentations and contributions!

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Roundtable 8 slides: