Day One: Wednesday, 27 July 2022
Part 1: AUS/NZ/Asia
Part 1:
Chat Transcript
00:11:05 Prue Gonzalez | IUT Conference 2022: Hello from Biripai country at the base of the beautiful Dooragan mountain on the mid-north coast.
00:15:20 Amita Krautloher: Apologies my internet is playing up
00:15:48 Kylie Gumbleton: Oh no, Amita, i hope it is ok 🙂
00:19:09 Amita Krautloher: Think I am back now
00:19:39 Kylie Gumbleton: Welcome back Amita – I hope your internet holds out for your sessions as well
00:19:54 Amita Krautloher: Fingers crossed!
00:32:12 Amita Krautloher: Sessional staff unsure of the impact on their contract if they report AI cases
00:32:51 Amita Krautloher: Not sure why the text tool did not work, sorry
00:33:16 Amita Krautloher: Students think of themselves as customers
00:34:08 Amita Krautloher: Mentoring of staff in identifying and processing AI breaches
00:34:50 Louise Reynolds: Gremlins!
00:37:00 Amita Krautloher: Where does the buck stop with the academic staff?
00:38:33 Amita Krautloher: Institutional culture of AI
00:39:13 Kylie Gumbleton: Amita – Where should the buck stop?
00:39:44 Amita Krautloher: That is the question…
00:41:29 Amita Krautloher: Embedding skills that would help students address some of their common challenges like time management
00:42:59 Louise Reynolds: Gold star Kylie!
00:43:38 Amita Krautloher: It is always a multi-layered approach, never one solution
00:43:44 Amita Krautloher: Good one Deb!
00:46:46 Kylie Gumbleton: Risk management is centred around multiple layers to mitigate risks – I agree that this is just as relevant here when considering academic integrity
00:54:19 Amita Krautloher: Do you believe that an ongoing CoP focussed on AI is one of the solutions?
00:54:38 Deborah Scheele: @Amita- YES I do.
00:54:45 Amita Krautloher: Thanks Deb!
00:58:17 Amita Krautloher: Great image Kylie!
00:58:33 Amita Krautloher: You should develop it further as an infographic
00:59:54 Louise Reynolds: That’s a great title for our next presentation!
01:00:03 Louise Reynolds: ‘The many faces of misconduct’
01:00:33 Deborah Scheele: “The many faces of integrity”
01:01:17 Noela Haughton: Free online resources too. We all have a stake – including students
01:03:04 Deborah Scheele: CANBERRA
01:03:50 Amita Krautloher: I loved your diagram Kylie
01:04:23 Amita Krautloher: Definitely going to take it as the gem from this session
01:06:57 Kheng Yew Tsung: What do we do if stakeholders do not take responsibility?
01:08:26 Deborah Scheele: @KY Work toward systems/proccesses etc that support all stakeholders maybe
01:08:48 Deborah Scheele: Institutional, classroom and societal connections
01:09:11 Kheng Yew Tsung: I think most universities have some policy about AI, but what if it’s ignored?
01:09:45 Amita Krautloher: We can at least influence the ones in our control
01:09:46 Louise Reynolds: @Kheng then they risk compliance auditing
01:09:51 Kheng Yew Tsung: For example, what if the university prioritises progression over AI?
01:10:02 Amita Krautloher: That is within the instituion
01:10:21 Louise Reynolds: They’ll risk non-compliance and non-accreditation
01:11:19 Louise Reynolds: Such as Aphra will not accredit the program
01:11:47 Amita Krautloher: Communities of Practice are such powerful to bring about such change
01:12:06 Amita Krautloher: *vehicles
01:13:06 Kylie Gumbleton: Thats fantastic Prue : )
01:14:12 Noela Haughton: I’m not sure if you mentioned, but how did this community start?
01:16:10 Louise Reynolds: If you build it – they will come!
01:16:25 Noela Haughton: I think that’s great! I hope it continues. It’s an important space. Thanks!
01:16:57 Louise Reynolds: For Prue – it’s about culture – values, beliefs, ritual and symbols
01:16:59 Louise Reynolds: Yes Deb
01:18:35 Kylie Gumbleton: Thanks Noela – its been fantastic. Our reflections after the sessions are also a valuable part of the Commuity, sythesising our key ‘gems’ or takeaways that we can apply in everyday practice.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Chat Transcript
00:17:39 Wei Lin: Online learning
00:17:57 Kai Lin: more student-centred 🙂
00:19:02 Wei Lin: less lecture based, more use technology, example immediate answers
00:22:00 Kheng Yew Tsung: universities viewing students as customers
00:35:05 Kheng Yew Tsung: Hi, some questions. Does that mean a less connected individual is less competent? Is the older generation (who is less familiar and connected through technology) less competent than the younger generation that are more connected? Is there consideration of quality vs quantity of connections?
00:40:01 Kheng Yew Tsung: There is also the consideration of “fake news” knowledge being acquired through connections
00:40:15 Amita Krautloher: So true Kheng
00:46:34 Prue Gonzalez | IUT Conference 2022:
00:51:03 Kylie Gumbleton: Do you refer to Bluey in classes and course planning?
00:59:02 Amita Krautloher: Sorry, have to go. Thanks for a great session, Prue!
01:06:56 Wei Lin: Thank you for the session. Interesting talk
Part 4:
Chat Transcript
00:46:44 Kheng Yew Tsung: Malaysia here
00:47:03 Diviya Ray: I am joining from US. It is night time here
00:47:08 Eka Tkavashvili (Ilia State University): Hi from Georgia
00:47:54 Eka Tkavashvili (Ilia State University): I don’t have any experience of hybrid teaching. I online had online classes.
00:53:09 Eka Tkavashvili (Ilia State University): I can share my experience how I worked
00:54:26 Diviya Ray: I can share the model that we adopted
00:54:49 Doug Specht: Can I pause you for a moment
00:55:03 Denitsa Petrova: yes
00:55:12 Denitsa Petrova: 🙂
01:04:59 Doug Specht: If you can prepare to feedback on Q1 and Q2 in 1 minute please
01:05:04 Denitsa Petrova: yes
01:06:21 Kheng Yew Tsung: I can share Denitsa
01:06:55 Denitsa Petrova: @Kheng – great 🙂
01:19:02 Wei Lin: Sorry I have to leave. Thank you for the discussion
01:23:22 Doug Specht: 1 minute left
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