Zoom Schedule 2020

Day One: Wednesday, 1 July

Asia/Australia Focus

Keynote 1:

Chng Huang Hoon

Jim Wilkinson, President, IUT (Harvard University)

Regaining Control, Restoring Spirits: Student Engagement in Pandemic Times. Chng Huang Hoon (National University of Singapore)

The vast and swift disruptions COVID-19 brought to our lives require no further elaborations–by now, all of us have at least one story to tell about it. The more important question is how we are responding to these disruptions, to reclaim what we feel we have recently lost. This session will share the challenges experienced in teaching and learning, and the attempts my colleagues have made to rethink their teaching in service of student learning, by tapping into the affordances of the virtual space.


Keynote 1 Discussion

1.1 Conference Opening Asia-Australia

4:00 Digital Showcase 1:

The Road to Flexible Delivery of an Accredited Medical Laboratory Science Degree.

Wouter Kalle and Noelia Roman (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

The Bachelor Medical Science (Pathology) is a professionally accredited (AIMS) degree taught at Charles Sturt University since 1998, and one of the first to be offered by distance education. In 2018 a course review began with the intent to increase content, flexibility, and workplace learning while still delivering engaging high quality content. An innovative new framework evolved that will enable students to complete the extended degree in 3 years FT (6 years PT equivalent) through the use of technology and innovative delivery.

1.2 Digital Showcase 1

5:30-6:30 Bonus Presentation:

Intercultural Reflection on Teaching: Guidelines and Experiences Supporting the Professional Development of Higher Education Teachers.

Fiona Dalziel, Alessio Surian, Fulvio Biddau, and Anna Serbati (University of Padua, Italy)

This presentation focuses on training higher education (HE) teachers in using the innovative methods for reflection on teaching developed by the Erasmus+ IntRef project (Intercultural Reflection on Teaching) to promote the enhancement and internationalization of teaching. The methods are based on collaborative reflection, dialogue and feedback facilitated through digital technologies (e.g. video-recordings, video conferencing). We hope to address academics who are interested in engaging in international professional development activities and offer some step-by-step guidance for implementing these activities at their home institutions, as well as suggesting practical resources to support their implementation and networking opportunities.

1.3 Bonus Presentation: Intercultural Reflection on Teaching

Europe/Middle East Focus

Keynote 2:

David Nicol, Anna Serbati, Valentina Grion

7:45  Welcome: Jim Wilkinson, President, IUT (Harvard University)

8:00 Keynote 2: The Power of Internal Feedback: Theory, Development, and Research in the UK and Italy.

David Nicol (University of Glasgow, UK), and Anna Serbati and Valentina Grion (University of Padua, Italy)

This keynote will outline research carried out through an Italy-UK collaboration on internal feedback, the feedback that students generate for themselves as they engage in learning tasks. The mechanism for the generation of all internal feedback is ‘comparison’ exactly the same mechanism that underpins other cognitive processes such as memory, problem solving, categorization etc. When students receive comments from instructors, they compare them with their own work and generate internal feedback out of that comparison. In Italy, the practical focus of the research has been peer review, a scenario where students generate internal feedback by first comparing their work with that of their peers and then with comments from peers. In order to research internal feedback, we made it explicit by having students give an account of their learning after each comparison. In the UK, further research has examined the effects of other comparators on students’ internal feedback generation, including, rubrics, exemplars, lecture delivery, a published literature review, a group discussion. We will present some of the results of our studies in Italy and the UK as well as the conceptual model of internal feedback that was developed through this research. This model calls for a fundamental change in feedback practices in higher education.

9:00 Break (15 min)

9:15 Keynote 2: Discussion

1.4 Conference Opening EU 7:45 UTC

Papers 1:

Assessing Online Learning/Assessment In Course Design:  11:00-12:45 UTC

11:00 Resetting SET to the Goals of Higher Education: Quality Teaching or Learning?

Mieke Clement and Herman Buelens (University of Leuven, Belgium)

Like many universities, ours assesses the quality of faculty teaching with “Student Evaluation of Teaching” questionnaires. We studied the relationship of our SET-dimensions with two criteria: (1) overall teaching quality and (2) student perception of learning. Hierarchical regression analyses on the answers of 1406 students for 31 teachers reveal that the predictive power of the dimensions quite remarkably differs depending on the criterion used. Our findings invite to reflect on ways to reset SET: which criterion do we deem be most relevant? They also challenge understanding of student learning in higher education.

11:20 Critiquing Across Disciplines: Using Sustainable Assessment to Support Health Professionals to Critically Appraise Education Research.

Susan Jamieson (University of Glasgow, UK)

Health professionals are familiar with critical appraisal of medical research, to inform clinical decision-making. But when they take on the mantle of clinical teacher, they need support to apply critical appraisal skills in their second discipline, education, which has different philosophical underpinnings and measures of rigor. In an online masters’ program for health professions educators, a design priority was to use sustainable assessment (Boud & Soler, 2016) to develop learners’ ability to critically appraise education research. Self-assessment, reflection, portfolios, and embedding assessment within learning activities enabled health professions educators to evaluate education research, thereby facilitating them to practice evidence-based teaching.

11:40 The Challenge: Effective Assessment in Higher Education.

Roxana Reichman (Gordon Academic College of Education, Israel)

This study was conducted in a teacher education institution in Israel. Its purpose was to reveal the students’ opinions regarding an active process of teaching based on the Dilemma Based Model. The research question was: What are the students’ perceptions concerning the assessment of their work based on DBM? This qualitative study was based on portfolios written by 35 pre-service teachers as part of the requirements for a course on Multiculturalism. The findings, based on content analysis, show a deep understanding of dilemmas involving the topic. In this paper I present the evaluation challenges and suggest ways of coping with them.

12:00 Break (15 min)

12:15-12-45 Papers 1 Discussion

1.5 Papers 1: Assessing Online Learning/Assessment In Course Design

1:30 Panel Presentation 1:

Online Assessment Scenarios in COVID-19 Times: Directions and Practices.

Anna Serbati and Valentina Grion (University of Padua, Italy), Sally Brown (HE Independent Consultant, UK), Kay Sambell (Edinburgh Napier University, UK), Fabio Arricò (University of East Anglia) and Lan Li (Bowling Green University, USA)

In Spring 2020, higher education institutions worldwide were urged to switch teaching and learning environments from face-to-face (f2f) to online, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Online assessment differs from traditional f2f assessment and may imply new practices and new reflection. For one thing, exams and quizzes are typically offered on the web with a window of time for students to complete the tasks, which may raise questions concerning regarding assessment reliability, trustworthiness, and accessibility. Online faculty need to sustain a delicate balance between offering quality instruction and creating and supporting a nurturing environment in which every student can achieve their best despite possible difficult conditions due to emotional, contextual and personal factors. Attempts to ensure accurate assessment may threaten to disrupt that balance. Our panel will group professors, all experts on assessment and feedback, from UK, Italy and USA belonging to the international PAFIR research group (Peer Assessment and Feedback International Group). They will share their reflections and experiences and spark debate and discussion with the audience.

1.6 Panel Presentation 1: Online Assessment Scenarios in COVID-19 Times

United States/Canada Focus

Keynote 3:

Todd Zakrajsek

15:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks: Jim Wilkinson, President, IUT (Harvard University, USA)

16:00 Keynote 3: Advancing Online Teaching: Creating Equity-Based Digital Learning Environments
Todd Zakrajsek (University of North Carolina, USA)

This past spring, as a result of the COVID-19 world pandemic, most of higher education moved swiftly to remote emergency teaching. In the midst of this shift, higher education uncovered massive inequities in how students learn. These inequities were always present, yet many faculty members were unaware of them. As we now begin to shift from emergency remote teaching to more purposefully designed online teaching, it is imperative that we do our best to create systems that are as equitable as possible for our students. In this keynote session, we will advance online learning through better understanding Universal Design for Learning, Design for Equity, and ways to facilitate and maintain human connections in online courses.

17:00 Break (15 min)

17:15-17:45 Keynote 3 Discussion

1.7 Americas Conference Opening Day 1

Papers 2:

Feedback As A Learning Tool: 18:30-19:55 UTC Time

18:30 Promoting Student Enthusiasm and Improvement in Online Instruction through Effective Assessment and Feedback.
Clifford Tyler and Terry Bustillos (National University, USA)

Learning and assessment are academic and social processes that take place in interactions between students and instructors in face-to-face classrooms. This paper will examine the potential benefits of creating structures for personalization within an online learning environment that is asynchronous, in order to maintain retention and provide feedback and assessment in Masters of Arts Teaching Program. Within this online environment, assessment techniques to minimize student isolation and possible withdrawal will also be discussed. This paper will also review the Program from 2009 to 2016 providing student perceptions relative to specific competencies secured, which were required in the profession.

18:50 Note by Note: Sustainable Assessment Practices in Piano Performance Lessons and Class Piano Settings.

Blake Riley and Hedi Salanki-Rubardt (University of West Florida, USA)

Assessing students’ progress is generally a difficult task for all areas of education, but it is particularly challenging in music. What makes a good artist? How do we measure talent? How do we set appropriate individual goals? In our discussion, we will focus on two different areas of music training: 1. Piano Performance Lessons: assessment of advanced level sight-reading skills, technical ability, expression, style, focusing, accuracy, memorization, tone quality, stage presentation. 2. Class Piano: assessment of basic theoretical comprehension, functional technique, accuracy of pitch and rhythm, scales, chord progressions, basic level sight-reading.

19:10 Break (15 min)

19:25-19:55 Papers 2 Discussion

1.8 Papers 2: Feedback As A Learning Tool

21:00-22:00 Roundtable 1:

Actively Assessing in Viral Times: Using Learning Assessment Techniques to Increase Active Learning.

Actively Assessing in Viral Times: Using Learning Assessment Techniques to Increase Active Learning.
Carrie Bailey and Sarah Jacobs (Oregon Health & Science University, USA)

Inspired by the transition of Health and Science university students toward becoming practitioners, this session focuses on Learning Assessment Techniques (LATs), feedback messages, and timing. Mind wandering is a kind of daydreaming that takes place when learner attention drifts from the intended learning task, more prevalent during pandemic times. Using proactive, effective teaching techniques, such as LATs and active learning, can reduce mind wandering and increase meta-awareness by creating scaffolds for learning, activating curiosity, and creating an interactive feedback loop between instructors and learners, even when switching teaching modalities.

1.9 Roundtable 1

End of Day 1

Day Two: Thursday, July 2

Asia/Australia Focus

Conference Opening and Roundtable 2
00:15 UTC Time, 2 July

00:15 Announcements (12:15 UTC Time)

00:30 Roundtable 2: Pivoting Team-Based Learning Online.
Karen Hayes (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Engaging students with dry, theoretical material is often very challenging. Occupational therapy theory and processes are no different. Team-based learning, however, offers the advantages of engaging students in completing the content pre-work before they come to class, challenging them to apply the knowledge in class, and developing critical thinking and critical feedback skills (Sibley, 2014). At our institution, team-based learning proved to be very adaptable to the online environment, and students reported feeling engaged and looking forward to their online learning activities. This session will allow you to experience online team-based learning and how it could work for your students.

Article: (open access): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3109/0142159X.2012.651179

2.1 Conference opening and roundtable

Papers 3:

Toward Sustainable Assessment

3:00-4:45 UTC Time, 2 July

3:00 Academic-Industry Collaborative Lifecycle to Support Work-Integrated Learning.
Simi Kamini Bajaj (Western Sydney University, Australia)

Work-integrated learning (WIL) refers to student learning through industry engagement to bridge the gap between theory and practice-of-work. The aim is to develop professional capabilities to prepare students for professional workplace environment. WIL has its learning benefits apart from adaption to meeting the professional accreditation requirements. This paper presents a model developed for students in a non-capstone unit and that offers them authentic engagement within a purposefully designed curriculum and approach. The model is improvised with an action research approach, fits well with a 4+1 architecture of industry academia model inspired by Kruchten’s software architecture model.

3:20 Sustainable Assessment and Philosophies of Education.
Phillip Ebbs (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

The assessment techniques used in university curricula are often influenced by the educational philosophy to which the educator (or course designer) ascribes. In this presentation, we examine a range of educational philosophies and their related assessment techniques. We propose that truly sustainable assessment may only be achieved if the educator values both the contributions from a range of educational philosophies, and the assessment techniques those philosophies espouse. A practical diagram is then presented for discussion. The purpose of the diagram is to help educators consider the use of assessment techniques from a range of perspectives.

3:40 Professional Development for Assessment: A Graduate Certificate for Learning and teaching as a Case Study.
Greg Auhl, Sally McCarthy, and Denise Wood (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Many institutions have requirements for new academic staff on their initial appointment, frequently as part of probationary requirements. This paper examines the approach of one institution to meet this need. The Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education is an innovative program that involves students as active participants in identifying and meeting their own learning needs, while providing significant professional development on approaches to quality assessment. This paper also describes the structure of the program and its unique approach to assessment, examining how new academics (in particular those with no background in teaching) are introduced to quality assessment principles.

04:00  Break (15 min)

4:15-4:45  Papers 3 Discussion

2.2 Papers 3

Europe/Middle East Focus

Roundtable 3:
Learning Together through Feedback

07:30 UTC Time, 2 July

7:30 Announcements (7:30 UTC Time)

7:45-8:45 Roundtable 3: Learning Together through Feedback.
Elizabeth Black (University of Glasgow, UK)

Considering the engagement of both students and teachers as crucial for sustainable feedback, and drawing on the notion of feedback as dialogue (Nicol, 2010), we will lead a discussion based around our work with students and staff in a School of Education within a large research-intensive university. In this context, progression towards professional accreditation limits modularization, creating potential to build feedback literacy throughout programs. We will discuss themes underpinning a planned research project that will use focus groups with students and interviews with teachers to explore the understandings and priorities of different groups of feedback “senders” and “receivers” (Winstone and Nash, 2017).

2.3 Day 2 Announcements and Roundtable 3

Papers 4:
Engaging Students Online

9:00-10:45 UTC Time, 2 July

9:00 How Students (and Teachers) Can Easily Create Educational Videos.
Sigal Tifferet (Ruppin Academic Center, Israel)

In this paper, I will explain how to make videos using the free version of Biteable. ‎Biteable allows creating professional videos in less than an hour, using existing templates and photos. ‎Thus students are able to make a video explaining a concept, summarizing an academic paper, etc. Student videos can be collected into a playlist or posted on Padlet: https://ruppin-‎ac.padlet.org/sigal_tifferet/rycncogobes2u9vu

9:20 Students’ Problem with Applied Science at a Universities of Applied Sciences.
Alexandra Lehmann (Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

One of the challenges and problems for Universities of Applied Sciences is the perceived differ-ence between “Science“ and “Practice“. For students, “Science“ is mostly equated with “Theory.” but not seen as a requirement for practical work. For lecturers, proclaiming that a scientific attitude differentiates between an occupation and a profession does not seem to be enough. So how to establish a scientific attitude in students, that can be integrated into their future practical professional work? Based on Staub-Bernasconi’s “transformative Three-Step,” let‘s work on how to apply this method (originally elaborated for the study field of Social Work) to other study disciplines.

9:40 When the “What If” Hits the Fan: Dealing with Contingency in the Age of the Digital Pivot.
Michael Waltemathe (Ruhr University-Bochum, Germany)

Theology and religion are dealing with contingency, as do other academic disciplines in their teaching. But while a thought experiment employs a playful attitude, religious conviction usually does not. Teaching in the digital realm enables that same playful attitude to its advantage. Currently the digital is forced upon us as a teaching tool, the foundation of our societal interactions is in question and conspiracy mythology replaces theology and science as contingency experts. This paper will explore digital teaching opportunities that address the discrepancy between mythology and science by drawing from the methodology of teaching theology in digital worlds and establishing rational decision-making in the process.

10:00 Break (15 min)

10:15-10:45 Papers 4 Discussion

2.4 Papers 4: Engaging Students Online

Papers 5:
Adapting Courses for Online Delivery

11:30-13:45 UTC, 2 July

11:30 The Mutual Relations between Evaluation Methods and Learning Outcomes in Academia.
Nitza Davidovitch and Ruth Dorot (Ariel University, Israel)

This presentation discusses the paradigmatic change in higher education from content-centered to learning-centered academic programs. Motivated by the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) movement, this change imposes new success measures on course development. While the focus in STEM has been on individual courses, we present a case study that demonstrates a goal-driven approach toward developing an entire multidisciplinary curriculum in social sciences and the humanities. The effectiveness of this paradigmatic change as applied to an entire program was demonstrated by results of a survey of graduates from the first six graduating classes, which revealed that the program met its primary goals in a relatively short time since its inception.

11:50 Exemplars as a Tool for Teaching History of Art
Valentina Cantone (University of Padua, Italy)

In this paper I will discuss the written list of questions used to help students as prompts for describing the artistic documents as a means of formative self-assessment. I will then present the feedback of students about the use of exemplars, to better understand their perception of this tool. Finally, I will show the differences between the first written exam and the second, in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the use of exemplars in online teaching. In this way, students are helped to clearly distinguish the quality of their own texts, and also to enhance their self-evaluative judgement capability.

12:10 A New Typology of Course Assignments to Increase the Use of Formative Assessment in Higher Education.
Michal Schödl (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

During the coronavirus crisis many academic courses were redesigned, and many course assignments were reconsidered. I will present a new typology of course assignments that differentiates between types of assignments by their function in the learning process. The typology includes the following assignment types: (1) main, (2) line alignment, (3) step, (4) involvement, and (5) work-guarantee. The different types will be demonstrated, and I will argue that using this typology to design courses focuses the designer on building an effective learning process that includes formative assessment and is especially helpful when courses are redesigned.

12:30 The Substance of Teaching.
Elke Hemminger (Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

This paper will present the results of an explorative study among students and university teachers, who were asked about their experiences with digital teaching, judged according to their previous ideas of adequate education and learning. A special focus was on what the participants are missing in online courses and which parts of the digital teaching they found to be expedient and relevant for their learning. The results of the study are discussed in context of the societal relevance of education and the concurrent lack of societal and political awareness as to its importance for democratic discourse and social stability.

12:50 Break (15 min)

13:05-13:35 Papers 5 Discussion

2.5 Papers 5

Roundtable 4:
Leveraging Internal Feedback through Deploying Deliberate Comparison Processes for Online and Classroom Settings

Mairead Brady, Martin Fellenz, and Michelle MacMahon (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) and David Nicol (University of Glasgow)

14:00 UTC, 2 July

This roundtable focuses on comparison processes (Butler & Wynne, 1995; Nicol, 2013, 2019) that have a positive impact on self-directed student learning. This approach helps to provide feedback in a timely and manageable way by making student partners in their own learning. Comparison relevant tasks can be deployed across all learning settings including in the classroom, for individual and group assignments, and for online tasks and interactions. We will introduce a basic toolkit to implement this approach while also recognizing and leveraging existing comparison processes.

2.6 14:00 Roundtable 4: Leveraging Internal Feedback

United States/Canada Focus

Papers 6
Adapting Courses for Online Delivery

16:45-18:45 UTC, 2 July

16:45 Announcements (16:45 UTC Time)

17:00 The Covid 19 Pivot in a Psychology Research Lab Class: A Social Distancing Attitudes Experiment.
Sandra Webster (Westminster College, USA)

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a pivot from face-to-face student research team projects to a unified, team-based remote class experiment. The new experiment tested the effects of priming on college students’ attitudes toward social distancing. This presentation describes how course-based undergraduate research was integrated into a remote class with no possibility of face-to-face interaction for team collaboration or data collection. The lessons learned from the pivot can inform future blended, remote, or online research methods courses. I also examine the issues of student engagement and autonomy, technology access, remote teamwork, research ethics, and virtual research poster presentations.

17:20 Potential Liability for Failing to Meet Accessibility Requirements in Online Courses.
Chula King (University of West Florida, USA)

In March of 2020, universities throughout the United States transitioned from face-to-face courses to online course delivery in response to the growing threat of COVID-19. However, in transitioning to online course delivery, these universities opened themselves up to potential liability for possible violation of federal accessibility statutes. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA created by the World Wide Web Consortium are often cited by the courts as de facto accessibility guidelines. Educational institutions that fail to abide by accessibility statutes and guidelines could face significant legal threats as they are increasingly making online content available to their students. This paper examines the problem and offers possible remedies.

17:40 Mixed-Mode Instruction Using Active Learning in Small Teams.
Andis Klegeris (University of British Columbia, Okagan, Canada)

Importance of advancing student “employability skills” throughout their undergraduate education has been increasingly recognized by students and university instructors. However, the development of these essential skills is hindered by the lack of widely available assessment tools and shortage of detailed descriptions of effective instructional strategies. In this study, previously reported tests were used to demonstrate improvement of the generic problem-solving skills of students taking a course delivered using mixed-mode instruction including problem-based learning (PBL) among other active learning strategies. Descriptions of the instructional techniques and assessments used, as well as the pandemic-forced transition to fully online tutor-less PBL, will be provided.

18:00 Break (15 min)

18:15-18:45 Papers 6 Discussion

2.7 Papers 6: Adapting Courses For Online Delivery

Panel Presentation 2:
Teaching through an Epidemic: Adaptability, Access, and Creating a Virtual Community

19:30-20:30 UTC, 2 July

19:30-20:30 Panel Presentation 2: Teaching through an Epidemic: Adaptability, Access, and Creating a Virtual Community.
Janina Tosic (West Ruhr University of Applied Sciences, Germany) and Anne Tierney (Heriot Watt University, Scotland)

The online pivot affected university teachers across the globe. In this interactive presentation, we will share how we have dealt with this challenge and taken the requirements of teaching during an epidemic into account. The presentation will be as participatory as possible. Our aim is to feature a rich exchange of views with and among those attending.

2.8 Panel Presentation 2

End of Day 2

Day Three:
Thursday, July 3

Asia/Australia Focus

Conference Opening  and Papers 7:
Engaging Students Online: 0:00-1:45

23:45-01:45 UTC, late 2 July/early 3 July

23:45 UTC  Announcements

0:00 An Act of Juggling: The Challenge of Sustainable Assessment in an Overloaded Academic Role.
Denise Wood (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Assessment provides evidence of transformative change in student knowledge and skills. Currently, the pressure to design and implement a planned, cohesive approach to assessment across a curriculum is clear. The implementation of quality assessment practices across a curriculum is one of the many balls academics need to juggle. Additionally, in 2020, COVID-19 has forced academics to pivot their assessment designs within the context of a course to meet online requirements. This paper explores the impact of the roles of academics on sustainable assessment at all levels of curriculum. It seeks to open discussion about the act of juggling and asks: which need greater focus and which require collaborative juggling?

0:20 Early Assessment Tasks as the First Leap into Assessment in Higher Education.
Prue Gonzalez and Kelly Linden (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Well-designed early assessment tasks can assist students to make a successful transition into university, both socially and academically. Early assessment items can facilitate students’ learning, build confidence, and provide feedback to students and staff on students’ progress. But what makes an effective early assessment item? How do we design assessments that align with learning outcomes, discipline content, program requirements and future practice, while also supporting the transition of our diverse student body into the complex world of academia? This is especially important for online students who may have little contact with staff or students.

0:40 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Experiences to Engage Students Learning Remotely.
Sonia Wilkie and Ghaith Zakaria (Victoria University, Australia)

Educators strive to equip students with required skills and knowledge to learning success. While field trips, site visits, and lab classes offer authentic learning experiences, the implications of COVID-19 home isolation mean that students cannot physically participate in location-based learning experiences. The solution was to source and develop virtual learning experiences that simulate the activities which students undertake on location. In this presentation we showcase a range of VR/AR activities that academics can use in their classes, and provide a VR/AR manual with associated lesson plans which we developed for educators to use as learning resource within their own classes.

1:00 Break (15 min)

1:15-1:45 Papers 7 Discussion

Digital Showcase 2:
Adaptive Anatomy: Transforming Laboratory-Based Subjects for Online Students.

Kelly Linden (Charles Sturt University, Australia)
03:00-04:00 UTC, 3 July

Concluding Remarks

0400-04:30 Jim Wilkinson

3:00-4:00 Digital Showcase 2: Adaptive Anatomy: Transforming Laboratory-Based Subjects for Online Students.
Kelly Linden (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Traditionally anatomy is taught using time intensive laboratory classes. But in the midst of global pandemic, can anatomy be taught online? Twenty-one adaptive online anatomy lessons were created to assist students in preparing for a high-stakes, end-of-session practical exam. High resolution images of over 500 anatomical structures provided students with the opportunity to learn the content using a combination of drag and drop and type in the answer style questions. Students were overwhelmingly engaged with the lessons, and self-reported improvements in their learning and exam preparedness through repeated use of flexible and adaptive learning resources.

4:00-4:30 Concluding Remarks. Jim Wilkinson (Harvard University, USA)

3.2 Digital Showcase 2

Europe/Middle East Focus

Papers 8:
Feedback As A Learning Tool & Recent Research In Distance Learning

07:45 UTC Time, 3 July

07:45 UTC Announcements
8:00-10:05  Papers 8

7:45 UTC  Announcements

8:00 Assessment for Learning (AFL).
Mordechai Miron (University of Tel Aviv, Israel)

“Assessment for Learning (AFL) ” refers to all those activities undertaken by teachers and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. In classrooms where AFL is practiced, students are encouraged to be more active in their learning and associated assessment. The paper presents an example of AFL which was used in a freshmen course on Measurement and Evaluation. Using an “open instrument” the students reacted in each class meeting and their reactions constituted the basis for improving the next class meeting.

8:20 Implementing Effective Student Feedback at LISOF, South Africa: A Student Case Study.
Ashleigh Cohen (LISOF, South Africa)

Enhancing the learning journey of a student requires feedback that is thoughtful, relevant and in-depth. Nicol (2010) as cited by UNSW Sydney (2018) stated that “feedback is valuable when it is received, understood and acted on. How students analyse, discuss and act on feedback is as important as the quality of the feedback itself.” Feedback is by far one of the most important activities undertaken by educators in the realm of higher education. A student journey devoid of reliable, clear, consistent and efficient feedback is a journey devoid growth, cognitive development, intellectual challenge, and possibly even success.

8:40 The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Inclusion, and Learning Motivation.
Waleed Dallasheh and Ihab Zubeidat (Sakhnin College for Teacher Education, Israel)

This study examines the relationship between emotional intelligence, inclusion, and learning motivation from Arab society special education teacher’s perspective. 406 teachers were asked to answer the self-report questionnaires assessing the above aspects. The results indicated a significant positive association between emotional intelligence, inclusion, and students’ learning motivation. Inclusion was found as a mediating variable between emotional intelligence and learning motivation. The findings also reveal differences in emotional intelligence and inclusion in some demographic variables. Our research conclusion indicates that teachers’ intelligent use of emotional intelligence and inclusion ability predicting learning motivation among students, especially those with learning disorders.

09:00 Reflections on Feedback — Engaging Students to Feed Forward.
Ashley Le Vin (University of Glasgow, UK)

Feedback is important for students to learn and advance academically as they can reflect on it and consider how to improve future work. Without feedback, students may find it hard to improve upon past mistakes. However, feedback is not a passive process and students must actively engage with and reflect on their feedback to understand it and consider how it can feed forward to improve future assessments. This study investigates whether including short written reflections on previous feedback into assessments can lead to increased student engagement with their feedback and an increase in its perceived helpfulness.

09:20 Break (15 min)

9:35-10:05 Papers 8 Discussion

3.3 Papers 8

Roundtable 5:
One Study Program—One ePortfolio:
Lifelong Learning with an ePortfolio Accompanying the Study Program.

Katharina Thülen and Silke Bock (Technical University of Central Hessia)

10:30-11:30 UTC , 3 July

When individual artefacts from ePortfolios of completed modules are fused into an ePortfolio accompanying a study program, this offers students and teachers special opportunities for reflection. Such a holistic view of the acquisition of competences over the entire study program, in conjunction with the feedback from teachers and peers, also offers extensive opportunities for individual development and a first approach to lifelong learning. However, at the same time it constitutes a challenge in terms of course design and technology. In this roundtable we will analyze the concept of an ePortfolio with a special focus on its contribution to sustainable learning experiences initiated by a variety of assessment tasks. The transferability with regard to the different subjects and teaching and learning contexts of workshop participants will be jointly worked out and critically discussed.

3.4 Roundtable 5

Digital Showcase 3:
Who Wants to be a Consultant?
Promoting Student Participation and Feedback.

Caren Weinberg (Ruppin Academic Center, Israel)

12:00-13:00 UTC, 3 July

In this scheme each student group selects a case to analyze. After review they present the main elements to the class. To inspire increased student engagement, several students are assigned to be “consultants’”and required to read each of the cases in advance and prepare questions. Following each presentation, the consultants ask probing questions. This allows the presenting group to expand on their presentation, practice thinking on their feet and democratizes the classroom. For the consultants it is a real-world experience in preparing questions and leading discussions. Overall feedback is also collected, and both the presenters and the consultants consistently appreciate this element.

3.5 Digital Showcase 3

Roundtable 6:
Never Waste a Crisis: A Grassroots Movement for Teachers to Foster Online Community Spirit.

Birgit Pitscheider and Michael Habersam (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

14:00-15:00 UTC, 3 July

Concluding remarks

15:00-15:30 UTC, Jim Wilkinson

When Innsbruck University’s instructors were forced to switch to distance teaching overnight, naturally not everyone possessed the necessary skills to deal with the online environment. Seeing her colleagues like Michael struggling, Birgit set up an LMS-based course for teachers. It originally contained some forums and some train-the-trainer modules and soon developed into a community course in which various instructors have shared their knowledge, added modules with screencasts and offered live webinars. The course has demonstrated the potential among faculty members to learn with and from each other. How can we foster grassroot movements? What are the challenges? These are some of the questions to be discussed at the roundtable.

15:00-15:30 Concluding Remarks. Jim Wilkinson (Harvard University, USA)

3.6 Roundtable 6

United States/Canada Focus


16:45 UTC

Papers 9:
Embedding Assessment In Course Design & Assessing Online Learning:

17:00-18:25 UTC, 3 July

17:00 Tools for Detecting Exam Plagiarism WITHOUT Proctors.
Edward Gehringer, Mounika Bachu, and Guoyi Wang (North Carolina State University, USA)

With unproctored exams, cheating is a risk. Proctoring software (webcam based, etc.) can be used, but it’s not perfect. Another way to detect cheating is to compare students’ answers with each other. Commercial tools exist for comparing answers on multiple-choice tests. Tools for detecting homework plagiarism can be adapted for use on essay exams. In addition to standalone tools, there are plugins for LMSs, like Unicheck. Finally, Gradescope allows instructors to grade online, and compares students’ answers to identify pairs of students whose mistakes are suspiciously similar. Attend this presentation and learn how to improve the integrity of your exams

17:20 Challenges in Teaching Online: Cryptocurrencies, Social Justice, and Interdisciplinarity.
Reed Taylor (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA)

Since the emergence of digital currencies 30 years ago, sociopolitical interest in cryptocurrencies has grown from a novelty to a mainstream platform for global exchange. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, have the potential to promote social justice at the macro and micro levels though bypassing censorship and reducing transaction costs. Students enrolled in a capstone course in BA in Interdisciplinary Studies program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock are given a small amount of Bitcoin (approx. 7 – 12 USD) and tasked with finding a way to use Bitcoin to promote social justice in their local communities.

17:40 Break (15 min)

17:55-18:25 Papers 9 Discussion

3.7 Papers 9

Roundtable 7:
High-Impact Practices in Online Education

Olga Hilas (St. John’s University, USA)

19:00 UTC, 3 July

Concluding Remarks

Jim Wilkinson

20:00-20:30 UTC, 3 July

A number of universities and colleges have recently transitioned to online instructional delivery methods in order to meet their students’ needs and academic requirements. This roundtable will focus on engaging participants in a discussion on the value of high-impact practices (HIPs) in online pharmacy education, as well as a review of recent research and best practices for transitioning HIPs to online learning environments.

20:00-20:30 Concluding Remarks. Jim Wilkinson (Harvard University, USA)

3.8 Roundtable 7: High-Impact Practices in Online Education

End of Day 3

Thank you!

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